Energy Literacy Training




Energy Swaraj Foundation

6 Lessons

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The Different Types of Urgency Campaigns You Can Create
By Dr. Chetan S. Solanki
About Energy Literacy Training

Do you think the climate has changed?
Do you know the reason behind climate change?
What is the relation between energy use and climate change?
If you want to know then you are in the right place!

Energy Literacy Training aims to make people aware of energy generation and consumption to understand its related dynamics and impact on climate change.

So, let’s start the training and step ahead to become Energy Literate!


The training consists of 12 modules, each module with a duration of about 10-15 minutes. The total duration of the training would be about 2 to 3 hours.

Each module would consist of 4’Es- 

  1. Establish the concept regarding the module
  2. Example to get the sense of the concept
  3. Exercise (2 to 3 min long) for people to think and write related to their understanding
  4. Exam with 5 multiple choice questions (2 to 3 min long). 

Passing percentage for each exam is 40% and each module is a prerequisite to pass. 

At the end of the training session, the participants can take their pledge about what actions they will take to avoid wastage, how they will use energy efficiently, and how they will generate solar energy (if they wish to).

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These questions carry no marks and have no implications on the passing marks.

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Come let’s explore about the training program.

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Come let’s have a look, how we are using lot of energy

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Now that one gets to know how in many ways energy is being consumed, let's do an exercise. One just has to see the video and answer the question. Don't worry there is no marking for this activity!

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To move on to the next module and complete this training successfully, you need to score at least 40% on this quiz. Take your time, read each question carefully, and give it your best shot!

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Come let’s clear the pledge for action

About the Trainer

Dr. Chetan S. Solanki

Prof at IIT Bombay | #TEDx Speaker | #SolarMan of India | Brand Ambassador of Madhya Pradesh for #Solar Energy | Founder - Energy Swaraj Foundation

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