The 10 Philosophy of Energy Swaraj

Energy is Everything
Energy is a key driver of human life. The use of energy governs the parameters of social and economic growth. However, despite all advancements in renewable energy, 80-85% of the world is still running on fossil or carbon-based energy. This results in CO2 emissions, causing global warming and climate change, which is becoming catastrophic every passing year. Addressing energy use is fundamental to combating climate change. Energy powers our homes, industries, and transportation, making it a cornerstone of modern civilization. To ensure a sustainable future, transitioning to cleaner energy sources is imperative.

Climate has already changed
Climate change is real and is being experienced by everyone globally in the form of extreme droughts, floods, heatwaves, cold waves, and forest fires. The urgency to treat climate change as an emergency is paramount, requiring immediate and effective action. These changes disrupt ecosystems, agriculture, and water supplies, leading to severe economic and social consequences. Recognizing that climate change is already happening is the first step towards implementing necessary measures to mitigate further damage.

Climate correction now or never
The point of no return, where irreversible climate change starts, is rapidly approaching. Climate scientists have emphasized the need to limit global warming to ideally 1.5°C, or a maximum of 2°C. According to the climate clock, we only have about 6 years left before global warming reaches 1.5°C, underscoring the critical need for immediate action. Delaying action will only exacerbate the effects of climate change, making it more difficult and costly to address in the future. Immediate steps are essential to ensure a liveable planet for future generations.

Drastic and immediate change is required
There is a need for a “drastic” and “immediate” switch from fossil fuel based energy to solar energy within a limited time frame to avert severe climate consequences. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report of 2018, there is a need for “drastic” and “immediate” change in energy use patterns. We must address the root cause of the problem, which is the use of carbon-based fuels, and switch to Renewable Energy or Solar energy within a limited time frame to avert severe climate consequences.

Business as usual is not working
Climate change is worsening every year even on a global level various annual COP meetings are taking place. Only through radical and coordinated efforts can we hope to reverse the trajectory of climate change. Despite annual COP meetings and strong international agreements like the Paris Agreement, insufficient drastic and immediate steps are being taken. Minor adjustments in the current system are inadequate, and as a result, climate change is worsening every year. A significant shift in strategy and action is required to make a real impact. Governments and corporations must move beyond token gestures and adopt bold policies that prioritize sustainability over short term economic gains. Only through radical and coordinated efforts can we hope to reverse the trajectory of climate change.

'Limiting Consumption' and 'Localizing Production' is fundamental
By consuming less and producing locally, communities can reduce their carbon footprints and enhance their resilience against global supply chain disruptions. Drastically and immediately switching to Solar or Renewable energy must be done carefully by adhering to two fundamental laws: “limiting consumption” and “localizing production.” These principles, as articulated by Prof. Solanki are essential for sustainable living on this planet. Violating these laws will hinder human sustainability, despite advancements in science and technology. By consuming less and producing locally, communities can reduce their carbon footprints and enhance their resilience against global supply chain disruptions. This approach promotes a more sustainable and self-sufficient way of life.

AMG (Avoid, Minimize and Generate) to switch 100% to solar power
Pave the way for a cleaner, greener future. Follow AMG A- Avoid - not using energy and materials M - Minimize use energy and material G - producing energy and materials locally By following the principles of limiting consumption and localizing production, individuals can adopt the AMG (Avoid-Minimize-Generate) approach to switch to solar energy 100%. ‘Avoid’ means not using energy and materials if possible. ‘Minimize’ means using energy and materials as efficiently as possible. ‘Generate’ means producing energy and materials locally as much as possible. This approach can help achieve Energy Swaraj or Energy Independence. Implementing AMG can significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels and pave the way for a cleaner, greener future.

Solar energy is center of our existence
The food, water, and air we consume all result from solar energy. Solar energy offers a limitless and pollution-free source of power. Solar energy is the cornerstone of our existence. The food, water, and air we consume all result from solar energy. Before industrialization in 1850, human lives ran entirely on renewable energy. To ensure the survival of humanity, we must return to using solar energy as our primary energy source, basing our lives on this clean and sustainable energy. Solar energy offers a limitless and pollution-free source of power that can meet our needs without damaging the environment. Embracing solar energy can also drive economic growth by creating new industries and job opportunities in the renewable energy sector.

Every individual has to take climate corrective action
Every individual, regardless of their background, uses energy and thus contributes to CO2 emissions. It is not solely the responsibility of governments or corporations. Every person must take part in climate corrective actions to address this global challenge effectively. Individual action is crucial for meaningful progress. Simple changes in daily habits, such as reducing energy consumption, recycling, and supporting renewable energy initiatives, can collectively make a significant impact. Personal responsibility and proactive behavior are key to driving the large-scale changes needed to combat climate change.

Energy Swaraj as public movement is the need of the hour
Energy Swaraj must become a public movement driven by care for future generations and a desire to sustain life. With limited time for climate correction, governments alone cannot solve the issue through policies and projects. Living a life that consumes low energy and materials should become the new norm and aspiration. Energy Swaraj must become a public movement where decisions to switch to renewable energy are driven by care for future generations and a desire to sustain life, rather than economic reasoning alone. Adopting a low-energy, sustainable lifestyle should be the new norm. Public awareness and community engagement are essential for fostering collective responsibility and supporting sustainable practices.