Reduce Electricity Consumption
Shart Lagao Bijli Bachao! Save Electricity, Save Environment, Save Money. Adopt AMG (Avoid-Minimize and Generate) and Quantify your action on climate correction. Take a 3 month challenge for reducing your electricity usage, compare it with previous year electricity bills and see the impact.

Our Achievements so far
Many People and Organizations have join us and have reduced their electricity consumption.

People Engaged

Organizations Participated

Units of Electricity Saving

600k kgs
Reduced Carbon Emission
About REC Challenge
Why to take this challenge?
About 75% of electricity that we use in India comes from Coal. Due to this, every unit of electricity that we use results in approximately 800 gm to 1 kg of CO2 emission.
In our daily, personal and professional life we end up misusing, over-using and in-efficiently using electricity. A little alertness about the use of electricity can help us to save easily about 10 to 30% electricity.
What is the challenge?
One has to take this REC challenge for 3 months, meaning for three consecutive months saving of electricity has to be demonstrated. The comparison of electricity saving will be done on month to month basis.
Three months REC Challenge means, comparison of electricity saving of three months of current year with same three months of previous year. E.g. someone takes challenge to save electricity May-June-July of 2023, the comparison of electricity saving will be done with May-June-July of 2022 electricity bills.
Rewards for REC Challenge
The Foundation will recognize your efforts by giving you following certificates:
Silver Certificate - average 10% electricity saving over three months
Gold Certificate - average 20% electricity saving over three months
Diamond Certificate - average 30% electricity saving over three months
Joint Collaboration
AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) and
CSIR (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) laboratories had took part in this challenge and have
saved more than 3 lakh units of electricity in their premises with the help of students.
Check out their Report on Electricity Reduction.
How to reduce your electricity consumption?
The Energy Swaraj Foundation proposes three step approach of AMG (Avoid-Minimize-Generate) for using any form of energy, including electricity.
The best way to reduce electricity consumption is by the AMG principle. Simplest step is to ‘Avoid’ - Avoid using the electricity i.e to avoid the use of appliances wherever it is doable. The next thing could be to ‘Minimize’ the use of electricity by using efficient appliances.
Guidebook for using AMG principle (Step by Step guide for 100% solarization)

Glimpses of REC Challenge
Many organizations are taking interest and participating in this challenge. Here are few glimpses of students or people of various organizations who are enthu about saving carbon emission by saving electricity

REC in organizations
Organizations are promoting awareness about climate change and encouraging students to participate in various activities organized to save electricity.

REC in schools
School Assembly where meeting conducted for announcing the steps to be taken for reducing electricity consumption

REC talks
Talk conducted to get aware about methods of reducing electricity
Empower the public with awareness & action for climate correction
Through our ACC programs, participants emerge with a comprehensive understanding of where our energy comes from, how much we use, how much we waste, and the environmental impact of our energy choices. Most importantly, they are empowered with the tools to embrace sustainable practices and move towards carbon-neutral living.
Energy Swaraj Foundation is a not for profit organization and to support all the programs raises funds through various initiatives.