The Action Node of the Energy Swaraj Movement established to ignite public action in their locality.
We all are the users of energy and we all have contributed to climate change. In order to mitigate climate change, which has become a serious global problem, we all must act together. We need a public movement to encourage mass adoption of the Energy Swaraj - the energy generated and consumed locally.
For Energy Swaraj to become a public movement, people at large must start taking part in appropriately generating and consuming their own energy, without waiting for policies or subsidies.
Energy Swaraj Clubs are recognized to be very important action nodes of the Energy Swaraj Movement and they are established to ignite public action in their locality. The charity should begin from home and clubs are expected to show appropriate behaviour in terms of energy usage and adoption of renewable energy, as much as possible, before preaching to others.
Technology alone cannot create a better world, people of integrity and consciousness of others and our environment can. The Energy Swaraj Clubs can be established in a school, college, housing society, NGOs, companies, anywhere where people can meet frequently, discuss and promote the establishment of Energy Swaraj.
General guidelines for the minimum requirements to establish Energy Swaraj Club are mentioned here. Following are the minimum requirements:
In order to run the club and perform its activities effectively, it is recommended that there is a proper organizational structure for the club. It is also recommended that club meets frequently perform activities to improve the energy performance of the members, as well encourage people in society to do the same.